HVAC Design Services

HVAC Design Services

HVAC design services ensure that the building is energy-efficient, as well as cost-effective. They are performed by professional teams composed of experienced engineers and architects who take pride in offering top-notch services to numerous customers across the world. If you’re looking for quality, go with Peake Consulting Engineers. Their services encompass everything from heating and cooling systems to air conditioning systems. The services also involve drafting and implementation of HVAC design calculations.


HVAC design services can range from small changes in designs to complete overhauling of the system. HVAC system design and implementation typically occurs during the pre-construction phase, while testing and inspection occur at the end of the project life. HVAC system design services include such tasks as determining if your system will meet all legal requirements to which it is subject, and whether it meets the energy efficiency guidelines.

These services also include such tasks as analyzing HVAC system airflow throughout various rooms in your home, and determining the best way to incorporate controlled outdoor temperatures into your system. The services can also include building an HVAC system that is compliant with local regulations.

Load and vent drawings are important to design services because HVAC systems generally have several ducts. When these ducts are sized properly, HVAC systems draw air from them and deliver it throughout the house. These load and vent drawings will show you where there are leaks or overflows, and how to correct them before they become detrimental to your system. It is essential to always follow load and vent drawings, as even the slightest deviation can create large problems.

CAD Drawings

HVAC design services also include CAD drawings. CAD drawings allow you to create high-quality designs by providing you with precise measurements, detailed information on exhaust vents, HVAC zones and fan speeds, and many other important details. CAD drawings can be completed quickly and accurately using specialized software, and they can be edited and updated as needed.

The most effective HVAC CAD drawing software includes a large variety of tools that allow you to customize the size and location of exhaust vents, create fan speeds, locate leaks, and view other HVAC components.


To complete the design calculations accurately, it is essential that the engineer has accurate knowledge of HVAC codes, and that he or she uses the proper measuring techniques and specifications. HVAC design calculations also depend upon accurate measurements of the duct size or the cross-sectional area of the duct. Engineers must use HVAC codes when calculating duct size, as incorrect measurements could lead to costly repairs or improper cooling of air ducts. Engineers must also use codes when planning exterior venting for air conditioning systems.

HVAC design services usually include calculation services. They calculate HVAC efficiency by varying different factors such as equipment ratings and temperatures. HVAC designs can be complicated at times, and most companies offer calculators on their websites. A typical HVAC calculator is a graphical representation of plans or blueprints.


HVAC system design services also include diagnostics and troubleshooting. An HVAC system is typically composed of a heating and air conditioning unit, a heating and cooling control circuit, and humidity and air quality device. System designers use diagnostics to identify components that are not functioning properly.